配备 TR2 墨水的Roland DG TrueVIS VG3 和 SG3喷切一体机现已获准用于 3M TM MCS TM保修计划


日本滨松,2023 年 3 月 8 日– 全球领先的宽幅喷墨打印机和打印机/切割机制造商Roland DG Corporation 今天宣布推出采用 TR2 墨水的TrueVIS VG3 和 SG3 宽幅弱溶剂喷墨打印机/切割机*已获得 3M TM MCS TM保修计划的批准。

3MTM MCSTM 保修为每个图形的预期寿命提供全面的、不按比例分配的保护,包括褪色、开裂、剥落和图形性能的其他方面。 3M 凭借此保修支持的耐候技术以及对墨水和打印机组合的严格测试向客户保证,他们的图像质量将在打印的整个生命周期内保持不变。 VG3/SG3 打印机/切割机和 TR2 墨水通过了 3M 严格的测试流程,该流程以确保持久的耐用性和可靠性赢得了声誉。

Roland DG 全球销售和营销部总裁托尼·米勒 (Tony Miller) 表示,“ TrueVIS是一系列大幅面喷墨打印机,具有激发人心的非凡力量。采用弱溶剂墨水的 VG3/SG3 系列因其能够打印出生动、丰富的色彩和高再现性而受到图形制作专业人士的高度评价。3M™ MCS™保修计划的支持为我们卓越的印刷能力增添了更大的安心和对可靠性的信心,使用户能够制作出价值更高的标志图形。我们将继续通过TrueVIS为我们客户在全球的业务扩展做出贡献。”

要了解有关Roland DG TrueVIS VG3/SG3 宽幅打印机/切割机或完整TrueVIS产品线的更多信息,请访问 https://global.rolanddg.com/products/printers/truevis-brand-family。有关 3M TM MCS TM保修的更多信息,请访问 www.3m.com/graphicswarranties。

*使用橙色、绿色和白色墨水的打印设置生成的图形不在3M™ MCS™保修计划范围内。



关于Roland DG公司

Roland DG Corporation is the world’s leading provider of digital printing solutions. The company’s inkjet printers, printer/cutters and cutting machines are widely used to create a broad range of promotional items including banners, signs, vehicle graphics, stickers, and labels, and to provide customization services for apparel and personal items like smartphone cases. Recently, Roland DG has embarked on a promising new digital transformation frontier with the launch of its cloud-based service called Roland DG Connect which improves customer satisfaction and success by providing a more comfortable and stable operating environment, improved workflow efficiency, increased business development and profitability. The company has also developed proprietary design and print management software which offers an unforgettable creative experience by enabling customers to design their own gifts, apparel, and treasured mementos. 

Roland DG Corporation 
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+81 (0)53-484-1200 
E-Mail : rdg-pr@rolanddg.co.jp